Ledarskapskonsult och småbarnspappa. Bor vid sista avfarten innan man lämnar Sverige för Europa. Arbetar överallt i världen och längtar hem till kärleken, lillkillen och lilltjejen. Bloggar 60% på svenska, and 40% in English.

30 juni 2009

What lead up to this climax?

The older I get, the more often I get interested in the stuff or events that have lead to the very moments we see before us.

Like this.

I was in the taxi, on my way to Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen. It was 5 AM yesterday (Monday morning), and just outside the airport area.

These kids were on top of the world. He sang something to her and she was laughing her ass off, pushing him around on the luggage trolley. It was so evident that this very moment was the peak of their night. I have no idea what they were doing outside the airport (it was not AT the airport) in the outskirts of Copenhagen. I cannot figure out where they found the trolley, nor why they are wearing student hats several weeks after graduation days.

But they looked super happy. And they made my morning.
Thank you, kids.
And never stop that party.

1 kommentar:

Otto sa...

Drugs get way too much bad press. Here's the bright side in all its glory.