Ledarskapskonsult och småbarnspappa. Bor vid sista avfarten innan man lämnar Sverige för Europa. Arbetar överallt i världen och längtar hem till kärleken, lillkillen och lilltjejen. Bloggar 60% på svenska, and 40% in English.

23 juni 2009

Sleepless in Düsseldorf

I was Sleepless in Düsseldorf last night. Again.
Fell asleep around 2 AM.

There has been quite a lot of Sleepless postings here on the blog over the last year.
It usually correlates rather well with the amount of nights I spend on hotels around the world.

But I have a light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow I head back home.
Next week I have a single night in London to check off.

Then the Great Vacation will arrive.

Man - I deserve this vacation. Days and weeks free - with my wife and kids.

I promise to drink pastis every night in the sweet spot where the evening sun hits the nook of our house just around 8-9 PM in the summer.
I promise to play with the kids every day until they ask me to grow up and leave them alone.
I promise to make out with my wife on the couch every night (again - until she asks me to grow up and leave her alone).
I promise to ignore work calls and ignore or send smug replies to work related e-mails.
I promise to sit on my ass and do nothing. A lot.
I promise to run barefoot on our lawn, and walk barefoot around the block with my son whenever he wants to take a walk in the late afternoon.
I promise to finally listen to whatever that inner voice has been trying to tell me during the spring. I have been too busy to listen to it. Sorry about that.
I promise to go all in with this summer. It deserves that. I have deserved that.


That about covers it.

Signing off now. Need to unwind with an episode of House before I go to sleep.

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Den där listans skulle jag behöva sätta upp på kylskåpet med smärre justeringar!
Är det ok om jag byter ut pastis mot Grand Marnier och wife mot husband, eller bryter det mot copyright'en? ;)

Konsultpappan sa...

Kopiera glatt och fritt! :-)

Fyra nyanser av rosa sa...

Jag tycker det låter utmärkt! Jag ska jobba på det där med att sitta stilla... Jag har nämligen lite problem med det, men resten ska nog fungera. Jag byter ut Pastis (blä!) mot vin nere vid vattnet i sommarstugan.

Trevlig sommar!

Kerstin sa...

Bra lista - fler borde leva efter den...