Ledarskapskonsult och småbarnspappa. Bor vid sista avfarten innan man lämnar Sverige för Europa. Arbetar överallt i världen och längtar hem till kärleken, lillkillen och lilltjejen. Bloggar 60% på svenska, and 40% in English.

10 juli 2009

Mafia girl

"So, my friend. You will give me 20% of your daily profits.
Or my brother here will... ah... make you feel pain.
You understand. Yes?"

08 juli 2009

Summer 2009 - the Day of the Soaking

"This time - it's personal."

"Lillkillen" as Tiny little Bond, James Bond
"Konsultpappan" as Dr Evil-and-drenched-in-water

[Coming soon to a theater near you.]

04 juli 2009

...and the living is easy.

From today and roughly a month forward - I am on vacation.

I work very very very hard, but my relaxation skills are matched by almost none. If you say "jump", I say "na-ah". That's how I roll - the whole summer long.

This also means that this blog will perhaps be slightly neglected. Sorry about that.

So let's dust off those vintage Bill Withers and Steve Winwood records, break open a nicely chilled bottle of Rüdesheimer Magdalenencreuz spätlese and wear dark shades that say "I really don't care. And you shouldn't either."

It is summertime....

Tweetup with business bohemian

Met up with a friend from Twitter yesterday - a good example of how odd roads cross and strangers from across the world turn out to have offices only 100 m across a square in Malmö.

I have met people from the blog-world before, but this was the first time Twitter has extended into RL; this in the form of Stephan - aka @Ekbergh on twitter, also unfolding his life and passions on his blog.

His company Travelstart just moved to shiny new offices in smack central Malmö, so we met up in the pleasant chaos there. The picture is gently borrowed from the Travelstart Sverige Blogg.

Nota bene: If you get the chance - try to get yourself invited up to their offices in Malmö. They have an über coffee machine and are nice folks.

01 juli 2009


Ibland blir jag lite mätt på allt snack om hur man skall skapa affärsnytta av "sociala medier" som Twitter mm.

Inte fan går vi runt och funderar på hur vi skall kunna kapitalisera på fikasnack och rykten vid kaffeautomaten. Och ändå vet vi att just den sortens samtal är livsviktiga för att bygga kultur och samhörighet i organisationer.

Kan vi inte bara acceptera ATT saker som Twitter inte nödvändigtvis måste kunna formaliseras till affärsnytta? Kan vi inte bara tänka att "hey - det där är lite kul, ju".

Tänk inte ihjäl det.
Just roll with it.
För fan.