Ledarskapskonsult och småbarnspappa. Bor vid sista avfarten innan man lämnar Sverige för Europa. Arbetar överallt i världen och längtar hem till kärleken, lillkillen och lilltjejen. Bloggar 60% på svenska, and 40% in English.

24 augusti 2009

The new business normal

This has been a long long long year of companies reacting to extreme circumstances. But has these last 12 months or so been extreme? Really?

I look around and I see fierce competition. Fierce, mindbogglingly hard competition.

Just think about it. I asked Michael, my executive assistant in Bangalore, to find me five or so business cases from companies that operate in crushingly competitive circumstances. I wanted to create an exercise for companies who want to be creative and innovate.

It turned out I gave Michael an impossible task.

Look around in the world. Tell me what you see. Do you see ANY business that is not under fierce competition? Do you see ANY organization that doesn't wish for calmer tides?

Half of my time I coach management teams or individual leaders. I am so tired of hearing leaders and managers in organizations complain about how things are extremely hectic right now, but that things will most certainly clear up after the summer/fall/winter/spring. Only to hear them complain six months later that things are extremely hectiv right now, but that things will most certainly clear up after the summer/fall/winter/spring. This is repeated until I can finally convince them that there is a naughty little pattern in their behavior.

But this is not rocket science, my friends. Every business is under extreme duress. You are constantly facing extreme competition and shrinking margins. This is the new normal.

The market you operate in is NOT going to relax and become pelasantly lucrative and competition free 6-12-18-24 months from now. The demands on you as a manager and leader will not diminish, pressure will not ease and the speed of change will only increase. You will be expected to deliver more in shorter time with less resources.

This is the new business normal. Ok?

So what the hell do we do?

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖhhhhhhhhhh bap. Bop.

Konsultpappan sa...

Där är det bevisat.
Jag har världens jobbigaste fru.

Jag SKA sluta blogga och gå och lägga mig snart!

Unknown sa...

I think companies do have to make better long-term visions and keef focus. Ad hoc decisions and cost more energy and are contraproductive.

What if each managers and leaders decide to stop working for comapanies without vision and focus?

Regards, Sibren

Konsultpappan sa...

Good question Sibren...
...I fear most companies would lose their managers and leaders in that case.


Winnie The Pooh sa...

Du har gjort min dag! Jag skall genast skicka denna länk till maken som ständigt hävdar att jobbet kommer lugna ner sig om 6/12/24/48 månader... Som om...
I själva verket klättrar de på högre nivåer vad gäller antal fartyg, kontrakt och omsättning än vad de gjort på typ 15 år och tangerar rekordet.
Lågkonjunktur? Inte där i alla fall.