Ledarskapskonsult och småbarnspappa. Bor vid sista avfarten innan man lämnar Sverige för Europa. Arbetar överallt i världen och längtar hem till kärleken, lillkillen och lilltjejen. Bloggar 60% på svenska, and 40% in English.

23 maj 2010


Got an enthusiastic e-mail a few days ago.
One of the first lines were:
"I have some good news, we finally got a new EB!!! Yeah, that also means a new LCP!"

I have tried to reply, but I don't know how to say the following without losing just a tad face:
"Cool! I am totally psyched about it and love how happy you are about it! Just a tiny question: What is an EB, and what is an LCP which the EB obviously brings along?"

15 maj 2010


This is how you do it.

Dig a hole.

Plant some stuff.

Wait six months.

01 maj 2010


Some mornings your kids just act stranger than other mornings.